Gus Coulton

About the artist
I studied painting and sculpture at St. Martin’s in the late 60s, my tutors included Gillian Ayres and Barry Flanagan.
A few years later I undertook a typography postgraduate at the London School of Printing - not easy as I started the course having more enthusiasm for typography than knowledge. Subsequently much of my working life was as a typographic designer, eventually running a design consultancy specialising in financial communications.
I think of my ceramic pieces as being small paintings. If that sounds pretentious it is very grounding to have your work used for drinking coffee or holding potatoes.
I have been a Barnes resident since the mid 70s and usually have a stall at Barnes Fair. I work with my own wheel and kiln at home and have several visiting canine assistants. I am fortunate to attend Putney School of Art on Saturday mornings.