Jo Holland

About the artist

Jo Holland works with nature, light and photography to create images for reflection, contemplation and transformation. Informed by her yoga and meditation practice, she creates artworks that embody peace, harmony and balance.

Exploring the photographic medium from an intuitive perspective, Holland employs alternative processes, often working in a darkroom without a camera or film, delving into the abyse of lumen printing and more recently composing works created with the digital camera, pushing the boundaries of the medium to find alternative methods of recording light, transmitted through and reflected off objects.  

Holland wishes to inspire, to ignite, to evoke emotion, to create joy, whilst also holding the space for deep self enquiry and transformation should the viewer allow.  By shining light onto and through her subjects it opens up the energies to a new way of seeing and being, visually recording images to offer a fresh perspective to the everyday often overlooked.  

Tuning into the rhythms and cosmic cycles of nature, a common thread throughout Hollands work is the theme of life, death and rebirth.

Jo loves to explore the alchemical element and magic that alternative photographic process's allow for.  It is this alchemy, magic and transformation that continues to fascinate her and inspires her to create works of transcendental beauty!


Colleen Hillman


Toby Messer